Node.JS and MongoDb Server on Windows 2016 – MEAN Stack

Visits: 2067

Node.js and MongoDB are of the same mindset, Windows 2016 SVR makes it even better.

This Floating Cloud  Server is Pre-installed with both Node.js and MongoDB.

You can easily install Node.JS and MongoDb MEAN Stack on Windows 2016 at the following link:

Highlights of MEAN Stack MongoDB with Node.Js

  • Familiar Java Script for the back end
  • NoSql Database for speed and flexibility
  • Full Technical Support

Node.js is incredibly fast, familiar, and flexible. We have installed it on the newest Windows 2016 server. You can use it for both production and development. If you know some Java Script, you will be able to use this with Node.js Server side, real-time coding. MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas. Mongo means humongous. This server includes full,  Technical Support. If you get stuck, give us a ring and we will help you as much as we possibly can. We have over 20 years of experience solving glitches.

See our selection of pre-installed MongoDB servers:

We have years of experience in System administration. We have built this server especially for developers to work and deploy Node.JS code. We have invested in making this AMI extremely secure. Windows Firewall is configured to all port 3000 as well as an EC2 security group is created that opens your server only with ports that you need.

Access Instructions Node.JS with Mongodb on Windows 2016 SVR.

Node.JS with NPM runs each project separately including the web server. The default port is 3000

Remote Desktop connection to your Windows EC2 instance.

In order to easily manage  your Windows Server you need to connect via Windows Remote Desktop program.

Remote Desktop login uses a Password randomly assigned by AWS

To login to your server from  Windows , right click on your instance ID, in the AWS Ec2 Panel,

Select “Connect “

Get Password using your previously downloaded key by following the on screen AWS instructions

Click on  “Download Remote Desktop File”

Open the downloaded File and paste your decrypted password when asked to do so.

To start the Node.js test script

Open Powershell

Go into “cd C:\node-apps\nodetest1\”

Enter “npm start”

From a browser  Open http://PublicDNS:3000

In order to see a test script that uses the local  Mongo Db open



These scripts are just text fields that store data in the MongoDB. If you choose to put an email address in the field, it is not forwarded anywhere or used for any purpose.

I followed this tutorial to set up Node, express, npm, etc.

Mongo Has already been installed as a Service

Access Mongo via Powershell, Simply type “mongo”

From  the Mongo Shell you can see installed DB’s type

“show dbs”

From here you can build, develop and learn,

Good luck!


Node.js is incredibly fast, familiar and flexible. We have installed it on the newest Windows 2016 server. You can use it  for both production and development. If you know some Java Script, you will be able to use this with Node.js Server side, real-time coding.

MongoDB  is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas.  Mongo means humongous.

This server includes  full,  Technical Support. If you get stuck, give us a ring and we will help you as much as we possibly can. We have over 20 years of experience solving glitches.

We have years of experience in Devops and System administration. We have built this server especially for developers to work and deploy Node.JS code.

Your domain will be up and running very quickly. Once your DNS is sorted out, hopefully in Route 53, Run your code with “npm run” within the subdirectory of your code.  We have configured Node.JS to use MongoDB NoSql Server.

We have invested in making this AMI extremely secure.    Windows Firewall is configured to all port 3000 as well as an EC2 security group is created that opens your server only with ports that you need.