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Access Instruction for Floating MongoDB Server
Easy installation of MongoDB can be found at:
Remote Desktop connection to your Windows EC2 instance.
In order to easily manage your Windows Server you need to connect via Windows Remote Desktop program.
Remote Desktop login uses a Password randomly assigned by AWS
To login to your server from Windows , right click on your instance ID, in the AWS Ec2 Panel,
Select “Connect”
Get Password using your previously downloaded key by following the on screen AWS instructions
Click on “Download Remote Desktop”
Open the downloaded File and paste your decrypted password when asked to do so.
We at Floating Cloud have installed a DB password for you.
The DB Password is the same as your instance ID. You can find it in the AWS EC2 Panel, select your new Floating Cloud MongoDB Instance. The Instance ID is in the lower pane.
The preinstalled username is “charming”
Access Mongo via Powershell form the Localhost, type:
mongo admin -u charming -p <INSTANCE-ID>
From the Mongo Shell you can see installed DB’s type”show dbs”
From here you can build, develop and learn,
You can download MongoDB drivers from
To connect your app remotely to MongoDB
Good luck!
See our selection of pre-installed MongoDB servers:
[products category=”mongodb”]
From git readme
I put the reset password script to get AWS Instance ID then set it as the password
The script is in “edit group policy” —> User Configuration —-> Windows Settings —-> Scripts Logon Logoff —-> Logon —-> Powershell Scripts.
gets the set password script
Subscriber needs to login to admin, which automatically runs the script. Without this they cant access the DB.
Select run windows powershell scripts last for run scripts in the following order
mongo mongodb://HOSTNAMEORIP:27017/admin -u charming -p i-INSTANCE-ID
You can download drivers from